Poetry | Illustrated Animations | Film

A Hard Rain’s A- Gonna Fall. Bob Dylan

A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall. Bob Dylan

The Unknown Citizen | WH Auden

“Hope” is the thing with feathers/ Emily Dickinson

“I’m Nobody! Who are you? Emily Dickinson.

Mujhe Kadam Kadam Par/ Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh

‘Hatasha’ by Vinod Kumar Shukla.

Bar Bar Yayavar / Dr Binod Khaitan

Snake | DH Lawrence

The Thought Fox | Ted Hughes

Hawk Roosting | Ted Hughes

Satpura ke Ghane Jangal | Bhawani Prasad Mishra

The Parable of a Little Cat

The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock by TS Eliot

The Windhover by Gerard Manley Hopkin

GHAR. Dr Binod Khaitan


The So Much Going on Morning

Morning Meetings

The Hyper Black Bee Watched by a Lazy White Moon


Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel

As I Grew Older/ Langston Hughes

Telephone Conversation | Wole Soyinka